Big fat bass ♪

, by Blogger Trendy Girls

You can be the bass 
You can be the bass 
You can be the bass 
I can be the treble baby 
You can be the bass 
You can be the bass 
You can be the bass 

Skin: the body co.  Ivy  blonde brows
Hair:=DeLa*=  Mesh Hair "Judith" Black Pink 
Dress: { BoobieLicious } My Pressdress Jacket Pink
Shoes: {{BSD Design studio}}  operahouse  raw- heel style
Breasts:Lolas! :::: Push-Up 2.5 (Chest)
Nails: SuPerBia NaiLs *BanDs 2* CLoWn TiPs  
Piercings : SuPerBia PierCinGs *SeT 13* FeMaLe
Make: Pink Acid Pink Acid Intense Eyeshadow Only 
Pose: [Expressive Poses] -  Ray Pose 03

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